Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Maintenance’

Water Heater Noises That Mean Trouble

Monday, February 24th, 2025

If you hear unusual sounds coming from your water heater, you may not give it too much thought. Maybe it is normal for your water heater to make a noise occasionally. But different sounds mean different things, and when you understand why noises are happening, you can better determine when a problem is serious.

Keep reading to learn about water heater noises that are red flags so you know when to call us for service. If you hear any of the sounds listed below or something else that concerns you, give our team a call to get on the schedule for a water heater repair in Rogers, MN.

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The Importance of Water Heater Maintenance

Monday, June 6th, 2022

Water heaters are critical to your home’s function. You need hot water to keep the dishes clean and wash your hands. Most often, homeowners do not think much about their hot water heater until there is a problem. There are maintenance tasks necessary, such as flushing the system as well as inspecting it. If you are unsure what to do or want some help, be sure to turn to a professional team for water heater maintenance in Rogers, MN. Don’t put off this type of maintenance. Consider the benefits maintenance offers.

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