Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Maple Grove’

How to Use a Smart Thermostat to Save Money

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Over the last decade, smart thermostats gained popularity and are now standard in most homes. But if you do have a smart thermostat, are you maximizing the energy-saving capabilities? If you’re just treating it as a standard thermostat, you’re really missing out.

A thermostat is considered smart if it can connect to WiFi. If you don’t already have a WiFi-enabled thermostat, smart thermostat installation in Maple Grove, MN should be on your to-do list. Using a smart thermostat to program your heating and cooling can save you a lot of money with very little effort.

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Tips for Boosting Your Heating System Efficiency

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Are you looking for ways to save money on your monthly expenses? Boosting your heating system efficiency is one of the best ways to save on household expenses because you can lower your energy costs. With the holiday season upon us, every dollar counts. You may be cutting expenses like eating out and other miscellaneous costs…but you can also cut back on your energy use.

And saving money on your energy bill doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your family’s comfort. If you are interested in saving money with a heating service in Maple Grove, give our team a call. We can answer questions about your particular heating system and help you understand how to use it the most efficiently based on your family’s needs.

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Have You Scheduled This Important Service Yet?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Your furnace is arguably one of the most important appliances in your home. It helps keep your home and family comfortable and warm no matter how cold it is outside. But since your furnace usually runs without any problems and doesn’t make noise during operation, you probably don’t think much about your furnace. Of course, you change the air filter when it’s time, but aside from that as long as your furnace is keeping your home warm, you don’t have to worry about it, right? 

Nope! Your furnace actually deserves more attention when it’s in great condition than when something goes wrong. We say this because the only way to keep your furnace running at its best is to maintain those great results. When you invest in your furnace early on in its life, it can maintain energy efficiency for longer and even have a longer lifespan.

Give our team a call if you’re ready to schedule heater maintenance in Maple Grove. In the meantime, keep reading and learn why fall furnace maintenance is an investment. 

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How an Air Purifier Can Improve Your Home

Monday, August 15th, 2022

The global pandemic proved the importance of good indoor air quality. We’ve always dealt with airborne contaminants, but now more and more consumers are looking for ways to improve their air quality at home. Of course, hand washing, covering your mouth when coughing, and cleaning high-touch surfaces are still important – but now you can do even more. 

If you’re looking for enhanced air filtration in Maple Grove, MN, we can help. An air purifier is a great way to clean the air inside your home. An air purifier can work to remove everything from bad smells to viruses from the air. Keep reading to learn more about the five key ways an air purifier can improve your home’s air. 

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How to Save Money on Your AC This Summer

Monday, July 18th, 2022

There are so many things to love about summer. From poolside hangouts, to barbeques, to beach trips, there’s a lot going on. While these are all great ways to enjoy the warm weather, sometimes the summer heat is too much to bear. Fortunately, your air conditioning can be an enormous help. Having air conditioning in Maple Grove, MN is especially important with so many summer days reaching at least 80 degrees. Your AC can keep you cool and comfortable all summer long. The only problem? It can get expensive.

The good news is that there are ways to save money on your AC this summer. Follow these 5 cost-cutting AC tips to stay cool and cost-efficient during the summer heat.

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When to Get a New Water Heater

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Your water heater gives you peace of mind. A new water heater could help you enjoy a longer hot shower or not worry about running the dishwasher while you run the washing machine. Most people do not need to replace their existing water heater until there is a problem with it, but if you’re having recurring issues, there are some very good reasons to make that upgrade instead of waiting. If your water heater is no longer meeting your needs or you need to have it repaired, again, it may be time to reach out for help with water heater installation in Maple Grove, MN. How do you know you are at that point, though?

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How Duct Clean Can Change Your Home

Monday, April 25th, 2022

You probably have not thought about your home’s ducts in a while. These run through your home to carry warmed and cooled air from your furnace and air conditioner to each room of your home. They are often hidden in walls and ceilings, which is why many people do not think much about them until there’s a problem. However, with routine duct cleaning by licensed professionals, you can see some significant improvements in your home. If you need duct cleaning in Maple Grove, MN, learn a bit more about why you shouldn’t put this type of service off.

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Spring IAQ Check-In: What Does Your Home Need?

Monday, April 11th, 2022

With the spring season comes changes to your home’s air quality. The pollen outdoors is sure to make its way in. On top of this, you may be turning off the furnace and turning on the air conditioner. That could mean changes in air flow as well. You’re also likely to open the windows a bit more during the spring months. All of this can contribute to changes in the home’s air quality that should not be ignored. The question is, what do you need to do now to compensate for it? If you are considering the options in indoor air quality in Maple Grove, MN.

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When to Upgrade to a New Heater

Monday, March 28th, 2022

There’s no doubt that you need your home’s heater to work well and efficiently. Yet, even the best systems only tend to last 15 to 20 years, sometimes much less. That’s just one reason it may be time to upgrade. While you may be unsure you want to make this type of financial commitment right now, there tends to be a number of benefits to doing so, including lower fuel costs, better comfort in your home, and even a boost in home value. When should you consider a heating upgrade in Maple Grove, MN? Is now the time?

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Is Your Heater Treating You Well?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Your home’s heating system is one of the most important components it has. It often works in the background where you do not think about it or even notice its function. That is until something goes wrong, it stops working or otherwise makes life a bit more difficult. When this happens, it’s not always easy to know what to do or how to get it back up and working properly again. That’s why it helps to have a trained professional to call for immediate help. When it comes to keeping you comfortable, it’s critical to know when to call for help with heating in Maple Grove, MN.

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