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Why Schedule Annual Plumbing Maintenance?

Did you know that the plumbing in your home needs annual maintenance? You probably don’t think to call and schedule service for your plumbing until something goes wrong. But preventative tune-ups are a great way to stay ahead of plumbing problems all year round.

We see an uptick in calls during the holiday season for plumbing services. Right now is a great time to schedule service with a plumber in Brooklyn Park, MN ahead of the holiday season. You can keep reading to learn more about why you want to schedule preventive maintenance now instead of waiting to schedule an emergency appointment later on if something goes wrong.

Stay Ahead of Inconvenient Problems

Let’s face it, absolutely all plumbing problems are inconvenient. But they are made even more inconvenient when you consider that plumbing problems always seem to happen at the worst possible time. But you can avoid an emergency call for service simply by scheduling a preventative maintenance appointment instead. 

Scheduling a tune-up for your plumbing may seem silly if everything is working great. But that appointment is the exact way that you ensure things continue working great without any hiccups. Our team may be able to identify issues early on and fix them before they get worse.

Save Time and Money

When you catch plumbing problems early, you stand to save both time and money. You save time by scheduling a plumbing appointment on your own terms. When an emergency comes up, you may be left scheduling an appointment whenever you can get one, whether it is convenient for your schedule or not. But a tune-up is different. You’re able to set the appointment around your schedule instead of rearranging other things on your to-do list.

You save money because tune-ups are often less expensive than emergency repair appointments. By the time something is seriously wrong it’s often more expensive to fix. You should also consider that some plumbing problems, like a leaky faucet or running toilet, are also costing you on your monthly utility bills. A tune-up appointment will also save you money every month in the future by reducing your water bill and eliminating leaks.

Invest in Upgrades

If your plumbing system is older, you may need to make some upgrades. Older fixtures on sinks and showers often use far more water than more modern fixtures that are designed with efficiency in mind. Older pipes can also be much smaller and use outdated materials that impact water flow leading into your home and drainage.

Even if you can’t afford to overhaul your entire plumbing system at one time, we can help you methodically replace crucial plumbing parts each year a little bit at a time by prioritizing what’s most important to address first. 

Contact Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. With you through THE HIGHS & LOWS!

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