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How Duct Clean Can Change Your Home

You probably have not thought about your home’s ducts in a while. These run through your home to carry warmed and cooled air from your furnace and air conditioner to each room of your home. They are often hidden in walls and ceilings, which is why many people do not think much about them until there’s a problem. However, with routine duct cleaning by licensed professionals, you can see some significant improvements in your home. If you need duct cleaning in Maple Grove, MN, learn a bit more about why you shouldn’t put this type of service off.

3 Signs You May Need Duct Cleaning

It’s best to have duct cleaning on a routine basis. We recommend doing so every 1 to 3 years, depending on how much dust and debris is in your home. There are other signs you may need duct cleaning as well.

You See Mold on Your Ducts

It’s possible that mold growth can occur on the outside or near the duct work. This is often possible to see in areas where the ducts are exposed, such as in the basement ceiling or attic. If you see this, or you find mold on any surface of your home, duct cleaning is recommended.

There’s a Lot of Dust

Ducts can become clogged with a lot of debris and dust. These particles build up over time as the HVAC runs. It is more likely to happen when your air filters are not able to pick up that debris. If you notice any clogging of debris, it’s very important to contact a technician for repairs.

Rodents and Insects

Unfortunately, if a hole develops in the ductwork, it is possible that rodents and other pests may decide to make this their home. When that’s the case, it can create several problems including the spreading of rodent waste throughout your home. Also, those holes need repair to ensure your system is operating efficiently.

If you have a lot of dust build up in your home or you notice odors that just do not go away, those are additional signs that you may need duct cleaning. More so, if you haven’t had a duct cleaning in the last three to five years, it’s time to schedule one.

Only Use an HVAC Professional

Use only licensed and skilled HVAC professionals to handle your duct cleaning. You do not want an air duct cleaning company to do the work as they can cause damage or provide inferior service. You want to know your HVAC system is being cared for properly.

When you hire a trusted professional, you will likely see significant improvements in your ductwork. For example, you could see your home’s heating and air conditioning costs drop because air can move more freely through the space. And, your home’s air quality improves, too, meaning that those with asthma or allergies in your home (along with everyone else) can breathe easy.

Contact Comfort Matters Heating and Cooling today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. With you through THE HIGHS & LOWS!

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