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How Does a UV Air Purifier Work to Improve Indoor Air Quality?

If you’re looking for ways to improve the indoor air quality of your home, you may be considering a UV air purifier. While these units are excellent, it is important to understand how they work so you know how this type of air purifier is actually cleaning your air. After all, it works differently compared to a more standard air purifier with a filter. 

UV air purifiers are designed to last for a long time, with the only maintenance step being that the UV light needs to be changed out annually. Of course, if you do invest in this type of air purifier and find that you need UV air cleaner repair in Plymouth, you can give our team a call to schedule your service. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how a UV air purifier works and why it is a great solution for improving your indoor air quality.

What Is a UV Air Purifier?

A UV air purifier is similar to an air purifier that has a filter, which is what most people are more familiar with. However, instead of a filter that captures particles, a UV air purifier has a powerful light that neutralizes particles.

Eliminating Harmful Particles

You may be wondering how UV light eliminates harmful particles from the air. Instead of trapping them in the fibers of a dense filter like a standard air purifier, UV light uses powerful rays to neutralize particles so that they are no longer harmful. The UV light works on all types of particles from bad odors to bacteria, viruses, and even allergens like mold and pollen. 

A whole-house UV air purifier gets installed directly inside your existing HVAC system so that all of the air channeling to your home has to pass by. This ensures that all of the air entering your home gets circulated through and cleaned. Even as new particles are entering your home on your body and clothes, they are being neutralized by the UV air purifier. 

Benefits of a Whole-House UV Air Purifier

UV air purifiers are very quiet and energy-efficient to operate. You don’t have to worry about the operation being noisy or expensive. The unit is largely out of sight and out of mind so you don’t have to think about it. It operates around the clock without needing any adjustments.

The only maintenance needed is changing out the UV light once each year, which is something our team can do during regularly scheduled AC maintenance. Otherwise, there is nothing you have to do for your UV light throughout the year to keep it working.

You’ll enjoy cleaner air with fewer harmful particles. Your home will smell better and the air will feel fresher. Plus, you won’t suffer from allergy symptoms as much and will be less likely to get sick with fewer particles from viruses and bacteria mixing in with the clean air to recirculate through your home. 

Contact Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. With you through THE HIGHS & LOWS!

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