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Make Sure Your Furnace Sails Through the Holidays

The holiday season is a busy time for most families. No matter how big or small your plans are, there’s a lot going on in the last few months of the year. Unexpected heater problems can really throw a wrench in your family’s plans. But you can do something to prevent a breakdown this winter and for all the years ahead. 

It’s time to schedule a service for heating in Blaine, MN. A heater tune-up is a great way to invest in your heater and make minor tweaks to the system that keep it in optimal condition. You can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of heating maintenance as well as why you need to schedule the service annually. 

Avoid Repairs

There is only one way to avoid having your furnace break down and need to be repaired. That way is by scheduling preventative maintenance. Maintenance appointments are for checking out your furnace and tweaking things here and there to help your furnace work at its best every year.

Maintenance is often an opportunity to address minor repair needs such as replacing a component that is wearing down and is close to breaking. The one key difference is that maintenance is scheduled around your availability, while a repair need can come up at any time and usually isn’t convenient in the least bit. 

Improve Efficiency

Keeping warm is a major priority in winter. But when staying warm costs a lot you may find yourself cutting back by setting temperatures lower or turning your heater off at certain times. But what if you didn’t have to make those sacrifices? When your heater is well maintained it is also efficient so it costs less for operation. 

Efficient heating doesn’t just save money. It also reduces wear and tear on your furnace which is an inadvertent way of saving money. Less wear and tear can mean less chance of repair needs popping up. As time passes, wear and tear on your furnace can build up and even become irreversible. Maintenance is a chance to prevent permanent damage from impacting your heater. 

Prioritize Safety

Perhaps the best reason to schedule maintenance each year is to ensure your furnace is safe to operate. Without maintenance, your heater can pose unknown safety risks to your family. After all, things that are going wrong inside the system are not always obvious. Safety issues may be silent until you face a carbon monoxide leak, fire, or other heating problem. 

Long-Term Considerations 

Maintenance also has the potential to add years of life to your furnace. The caveat to this is that you have to schedule heater maintenance every single year from the very first year that your furnace is installed. When your heater is still fairly new, you might not think maintenance is necessary. 

It’s equally easy to think that maintenance doesn’t matter as your furnace ages because you perceive that problems are irreversible. We encourage you to give our team the chance to check your furnace annually and make tweaks to keep it operating at its best so it can last for 10-15 years.

Contact Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. With you through THE HIGHS & LOWS!

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