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Reasons to Schedule Late-Season AC Service

Scheduling service for your air conditioner at the end of the summer season is a great investment to make. Prioritizing service now can help boost energy efficiency for your air conditioner next year and into the future. Plus, it can help ensure your AC has a long and healthy lifespan.

If you haven’t scheduled AC service in Plymouth this year, you can keep reading to learn more about why you want to schedule air conditioning service now ahead of the end of the summer. Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule your appointment.

AC Maintenance

We recommend that you schedule AC maintenance once each year for your system. If you haven’t already scheduled the service this year, now is a great time to do so. You definitely want to have your air conditioner inspected before summer is over. 

And really, annual maintenance isn’t just a friendly recommendation. If your air conditioner has an active manufacturer’s warranty, maintenance may actually be required. If you want your manufacturer’s warranty to remain active, read the terms and conditions to see if annual professional maintenance is listed.

Skipping out on service can mean that your manufacturer’s warranty gets voided. This is because the manufacturer’s warranty is in place to cover unusual circumstances. If you are not keeping up with maintaining your air conditioner, the warranty won’t cover problems that arise due to a lack of care.

AC Repairs

What if you already scheduled maintenance for your air conditioner this year? As long as your unit is operating the way it should without any problems, late-season service isn’t necessary. You do need to schedule late-season AC repairs if you notice any specific problems. Examples can include a lack of overall cooling, uneven cooling, unusually high energy costs, or loud noises coming from your air conditioner. 

You might think that these problems can wait until next year when you schedule AC maintenance again. However, addressing any issues now will help to ensure that they do not worsen over the fall and winter seasons while your system goes largely unused. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind in knowing that your air conditioner is completely cared for and that it is ready for the next summer season.

Examples of late-season AC repairs that we tend to see include:

  • Capacitor replacement: The capacitor is located on the outdoor AC unit. It helps provide an extra boost of power each time your AC starts up for a cooling cycle. If the capacitor goes out, your AC may not work at all.
  • Refrigerant leaks: The only reason for low refrigerant levels is a leak in the lines. Holes need to be repaired and then refrigerant recharged. Without enough refrigerant in the lines, your AC won’t work for adequate cooling.
  • Thermostat calibration: Sometimes the attached thermostat needs to be cleaned or recalibrated. If the thermostat cannot accurately read the indoor air temperature, it negatively impacts AC operation.
  • General cleaning: It’s easy for dirt and grime to build up in between gears. Our team can clean away grime and then relubricate components so they can work together smoothly for cooling.

Contact Comfort Matters Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. With you through THE HIGHS & LOWS!

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